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To help the people with learning difficulties in main streaming their education.

Learning difficulties alter brain functioning in a manner which affects one or more cognitive processes related to learning. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing and/or math.  They can also interfere with higher level skills such as organization, time planning, abstract reasoning, long or short-term memory and attention.

It is important to realize that learning difficulties can affect an individual’s life beyond academics and can impact relationships with family, friends and in the workplace.  

To help people with learning difficulties, we create awareness and intervention programs to main stream their education through a structured program.

To bring a community that is socially active and responsible

Reading is a process which has the capacity to transform a man from a normal existence to real a human being. It brings light of awareness to students about the real world. It introduces students to the world of words and enrich their vocabulary. 

A student with rich vocabulary can express their thoughts precisely, creatively and critically. It widens the horizon of imagination and visualization imparting creativity and innovation. It kindles the process of exposure to diversity and cross pollination of ideas effecting respect, sensitivity for humanist ideals and inspires students to be socially active and responsible. 

To achieve such community, we do a student driven institutional set up in schools that helps them to get involved in learning and become socially active and responsible.

To help the people with disabilities to become self-sufficient

It’s not important for people with disabilities to be able to compete with other people as much as it’s important that they live life to the fullest with their disability. What matters most is that each individual, regardless of disability, is able to reach their maximum level of achievement and independence, given their specific circumstances.

They need the assistance of others in order to reach their maximum level of independence and achievement, given their any kind of limitations. Therefore, they too can find meaning and purpose in life and develop loving relationships.

To help in achieving this, we main streaming their education, providing skill training, vocational support, physical well-being support and any other way that help PwDs to become self-sufficient.

To help the people in need to lead a better life

There are thousands of people in need who really deserve support and help. Giving them moral support and respect, makes them feel that someone really cares about them. By helping them with opportunity and support they can lead a better life. 

When a person is in real need, one who is better provided than him or in a better situation must help the needy person with all sorts of support he can serve. This helps each other grow and thrive.

To help the needy, we support them in education, food, health, clothes, disaster support and any other means that they need to overcome their situation to a better one and empower them to take charge of their own future.

Magizhvi Foundation emphasizes on ‘inclusive development’ as the right path towards sustainable development and focus on initiatives for the welfare of specially abled persons.

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